Puppies looking out of a wooden bucketPuppies looking out of a wooden bucket

Breeders benefit from very special advantages at DOG'S LOVE. We support their valuable work and ensure that their dogs have the best conditions to grow big and strong: 100% natural pleasure. And you as a breeder will also benefit from DOG'S LOVE when you activate your account.

You know best: The first months of life lay the foundation for a dog’s long, healthy life. After nursing on the mother's milk, the choice of the right follow-up feed is particularly important. DOG'S LOVE Junior offers everything young animals need. 

Essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements, the extra portion of calcium from eggshells for growth – and, of course, all free from gluten, grain, sugar, soy, bone meal, slaughterhouse waste, colourings and preservatives, animal testing and genetic engineering. See for yourself with our 100% premium quality products, developed according to veterinary medicine and manufactured in Austria. 

Your advantages as a breeder

Feeder with wet food and ingredients like chicken broccoli and carrotsFeeder with wet food and ingredients like chicken broccoli and carrots


DOG'S LOVE not only smells great, it tastes just as good to the dogs. And: You too could consume our menus without hesitation, because we make no compromises and rely on 100% food quality for our ingredients, which we prefer to source from Austria: Fresh muscle meat and high-quality offal as the best sources of protein, healthy fruit and vegetables for a comprehensive vitamin supply, nutrient-rich herbs and valuable oils - you'll find it all in our premium wet food.


In Styria, affectionately known as the "green heart of Austria", our wet food varieties are produced. DOG'S LOVE menus are prepared according to the strict guidelines of the Austrian Food Act in a cooperatively organised food company that is supplied with regional raw materials by the surrounding farmers.

Landscape with green meadow, trees and mountains in the backgroundLandscape with green meadow, trees and mountains in the background
A white spoon filled with coconut oil on a beige background with calcium and flaxseed on it.A white spoon filled with coconut oil on a beige background with calcium and flaxseed on it.


For our high-quality wet food menus, we rely exclusively on equally high-quality cuts. We use the finest muscle meat as an important source of protein, which also provides the dog's body with important omega-6 fatty acids. We also make sure that the vegetables and fruit that we put in the cans come from organic farming wherever possible. For an optimal supply of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, we take an innovative approach and rely on the power of seaweed.

Puppies in a meadow with text: 100% Nature & 100% Indulgence with DOG'S LOVE JuniorPuppies in a meadow with text: 100% Nature & 100% Indulgence with DOG'S LOVE Junior


In order to develop species-appropriate dog food, one must also look at the behaviour of their animal ancestors: Wolves usually ate and eat their prey, skin and bones included, and are thus able to meet their calcium requirements. For our pets, we rely on natural eggshell powder with high BIO availability as an important source of calcium.

Eggshells on a beige backgroundEggshells on a beige background
Sweet potato, apple and sage on a beige backgroundSweet potato, apple and sage on a beige background


It is particularly important to us to consciously avoid cereals, so DOG'S LOVE is gluten-free. We rely on potatoes or so-called valuable pseudo-cereals such as quinoa as important energy sources for our food. This means that DOG'S LOVE wet food is also suitable for nutritionally sensitive dogs.

Puppies on a meadow and the possibility to register for the breeder accountPuppies on a meadow and the possibility to register for the breeder account


It is important to us that dogs are raised and rehomed in a loving and conscientious manner. Therefore, we reserve the right to review requests individually and to reject them at our own discretion, as well as to remove breeders who have already been approved from the programme. 

Customers who already have an account with DOG'S LOVE can of course register as a breeder afterwards and will then receive the special conditions for their account.

* The discount is automatically deducted once when you are logged in to your customer account. 
** Exclusively for purchases in the official DOG'S LOVE online shop from an order value of € 150.
*** After submission of litter certificate, 2 litters per year with max. 6 puppy boxes per litter.
**** Redeemable from a purchase value of € 49. Cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions.

Wir unterstützen Ihre
wertvolle Arbeit

Wie Sie wissen, wird der Grundstein für ein langes, gesundes Hundeleben in den ersten Lebensmonaten gelegt. Nach der Versorgung durch die Muttermilch ist die Wahl des richtigen Folgefutters dabei besonders wichtig. DOG’S LOVE Junior bietet dafür alle Voraussetzungen.

100 % Natur &
100 % Genuss
mit DOG’S LOVE Junior.

  • 100 % Premium-Qualität aller Rohstoffe
  • Herstellung in Österreich
  • Essentielle Vitamine, Mineralien und Spurenelemente
  • Extra Kalzium aus Eierschalen für starke Knochen im Wachstum
  • Veterinärmedizinisch entwickelt
  • Ohne Gluten, Getreide, Zuckerzusatz, Soja, Knochenmehl, Schlachtabfälle, Farb- und Konservierungsstoffe, Tierversuche und Gentechnik

Ihre Vorteile* als Züchter/In.

* Alle Vorteile gelten ausschließlich für Einkäufe im offiziellen DOG’S LOVE Onlineshop ab einem Mindestbestellwert von € 150,– pro Bestellung.
** Nach Übermittlung der Wurfbescheinigung, 2 Würfe pro Jahr mit je max. 6 Welpenboxen pro Wurf


So schalten Sie Ihren
Züchter-Account frei


Einfach in unserem Onlineshop registrieren.


Kopie Ihrer Züchterbescheinigung an hello@dogslove.com schicken.


Nach erfolgreicher Prüfung erhalten Sie eine Bestätigungsemail über die Freischaltung Ihres Züchter-Accounts – fertig!


Da wir ausschließlich seriöse ZüchterInnen unterstützen, denen wie uns eine liebevolle und gewissenhafte Aufzucht und Weitervermittlung am Herzen liegt, behält sich DOG’S LOVE ausdrücklich das Recht vor, Anfragen individuell zu prüfen und nach eigenem Ermessen abzulehnen, sowie bereits genehmigte ZüchterInnen wieder aus dem Züchterprogramm zu entfernen. KundInnen, die bereits ein Konto haben und sich als ZüchterInnen registrieren möchten, schicken einfach im Nachhinein die Züchterbescheinigung und erhalten dann für das bereits bestehende Konto die Züchterkonditionen.