New Year's Eve preparation for stressed dogs

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Every year, many dog owners dread the turn of the year – New Year's Eve in particular causes many dogs anxiety and extreme stress. Loud firecrackers from late afternoon until the early hours of the morning, the smell of burning gunpowder and an excited atmosphere – all this can stress our dogs and even make them anxious. 

As responsible dog owners, it is our job to prepare our four-legged friends for this challenge as best we can and help them deal with the stress. Here are some valuable tips and strategies on how you can prepare your stressed dog for New Year's Eve so that you can get through night and into the New Year together as calmly and safely as possible.  

Dogs are emotional beings

We love dogs and they love us. Our loyal companions are highly sensitive and emotional beings who also have outstanding empathetic abilities. Numerous studies in recent decades have proven the emotional competence of our furry friends – dogs have feelings and they express them. We humans can recognise our dogs’ emotional state through their body language and behaviour. 

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What do dogs generally need in order to be relaxed? 

Firstly, the dog's basic needs must be met by providing high-quality and well-tolerated food and a constant supply of water. It is important to note that allergies and food intolerances can also cause stress in dogs.

  • Water
  • Suitable and healthy food
  • The abilit to move around freely
  • Sufficient exercise
  • A safe retreat
  • Social interaction with people and/or other dogs

What are possible triggers for stress in dogs? 

Stress in dogs is a physiological and psychological reaction to a situation that is perceived as threatening or stressful. Similar to humans, the dog's body releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to deal with these stressful situations. 

Triggers and factors for stress in dogs can be intrinsic or extrinsic – either internal or external. Firstly, it should be checked whether the dog is physically fit and healthy, as intolerances, allergies, illnesses or poisoning can also cause dogs to be stressed. 

Dogs have very delicate sensory organs. They hear and smell much better than humans and therefore react much more strongly to stimuli. Possible environmental stressors for dogs are: 

  • Noise: loud noises such as fireworks, thunderstorms, loud traffic
  • New situations: unfamiliar people and animals
  • Movement stimuli
  • Crowds
  • Unfamiliar situations or environments

Possible physical causes of stress in dogs are: 

  • Food intolerances, allergies - gastrointestinal problems
  • Pain
  • Poisoning
  • Diseases

In any case, it makes sense to observe your dog closely and find out whether there are certain triggers that stress your dog. A stressed dog should be taken seriously and needs loving attention. 

How does a stressed dog behave? 

New Year's Eve means massive stress for many dogs. Loud fireworks and the charged atmosphere can cause fear and panic in our four-legged friends. 

There are a number of different signs of stress in dogs and they vary depending on the individual. Some signs known as 'calming signals' are shown by many stressed dogs in order to regulate themselves and relax the situation or themselves. 

The most important signs of stress in dogs are: 

  • Stiff posture
  • Ears laid back
  • Wide eyes
  • Trembling
  • Panting
  • Dripping nose
  • Licking the lips
  • Yawning
  • Tucked tail
  • Loss of appetite
  • Strong need for closeness or space

There are also different levels of escalation here, most dogs can cope well with a little stress. The problem occurs when the dog is very stressed and can no longer regulate itself or relax. Unfortunately, many dogs feel this way on New Year's Eve; they panic and need loving support from their humans. 

How to help a stressed dog 

It is crucial to recognise stress triggers in dogs and take appropriate measures to help them deal with it. A stress-free life (or as close as possible) helps to improve their quality of life and build or maintain a strong bond between humans and animals.

There are various ways to help dogs get through the turn of the year as comfortably as possible:

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  • Targeted training for desensitisation: ideally you should start several weeks before New Year's Eve with the positive association of loud noises, e.g. by giving your dog  treats.
    • For severely stressed dogs, expert advice should be sought and they should be trained with qualified dog trainers
  • Relaxation exercises: massages with calming oils, aromatherapy, e.g. with our Canna Canis CBD oil.
    • Relaxation techniques such as targeted massages or gentle stroking can help dogs to calm down. A calm and relaxed atmosphere in the house can also help to reduce the dog's stress levels.
  • Creating the most pleasant atmosphere possible: through music, darkening the rooms, noise insulation
    • Relaxing music or sounds can help to drown out the sound of fireworks and distract the dog. There are special CDs or playlists with calming music for dogs that can be played on New Year's Eve.
  • Stay as calm and relaxed as possible yourself
    • If you remain relaxed and calm, this will also have a positive effect on your stressed dog.

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Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass nicht alle natürlichen Beruhigungsmittel bei jedem Hund gleich wirksam sind. Jeder Hund reagiert individuell, daher ist es ratsam, verschiedene Methoden und Produkte auszuprobieren und herauszufinden, was am besten für Ihren Hund funktioniert.

Wenn ein Hund nicht nur gestresst ist, sondern regelrecht in Panik verfällt, dann kann es hilfreich sein, einen Tierarzt zu konsultieren und zusätzlich zu natürlichen Produkten die Gabe von Beruhigungsmitteln zu veranlassen.

Mit einer guten Vorbereitung und der richtigen Unterstützung können wir unseren Hunden helfen, die Silvesternacht so stressfrei wie möglich zu überstehen.