From the bottom of my heart, I truly wish every dog to be content and have the occasional treat. However, I think it's unfair and cruel when dog owners don't keep an eye on their dog's weight, or even trivialise it. By taking in a dog, we also assume responsibility for a third party who cannot control its own food resources. When there is an abundance of food, many dogs will dig in and not think about their health – we are responsible for that, and we owe it to them.
The fatal consequences
Obesity is often the result of too little exercise for one thing, while another cause is excessively calorific food or too many additional treats that are not deducted from the food serving. Nutritional information on food packaging is only a guideline, but should always be adapted to their age, activity level and state of health. If you notice that your dog is getting too fat (or thin), it is essential to counteract this. This is because obesity in dogs has a strong impact on the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. Being 10% overweight means an average of around 10% shorter life expectancy.
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