Sanja Polz is a veterinarian with a passion. She lives with her family near Vienna, where she runs the CityVet veterinary clinic in Gersthof. As an expert, she regularly writes guest articles for DOG'S LOVE and CAT'S LOVE. 

Portrait of Sanja PolzPortrait of Sanja Polz

Sanja already had the desire to become a vet at the age of nine. As a child, she went on holiday to her uncle's farm every summer. Of course, there were lots of animals on the farm. When Sanja witnessed the birth of 16 little piglets one day, it suddenly became clear to her that she would study veterinary medicine some day. 

After graduating from the Royal Veterinary College, London, she first moved to the USA to deepen her knowledge at the Animal Medical Center in New York. Back in Austria, Sanja opened her CityVet clinic in 2010. She received further training on a part-time basis. Among other things, Sanja graduated as an animal chiropractor and animal osteopath in Germany and as an animal physiotherapist at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna.

Young husky panting into the chamberaYoung husky panting into the chambera
Puppy dog being examined by a veterinarianPuppy dog being examined by a veterinarian

Sanja sees her profession as her calling! Treating her four-legged patients is, of course, paramount. Finding optimal solutions that can create better quality of life for the animals is her greatest goal. Nevertheless, there must always be enough time to pet and play with them all. 

Part of her work is to clear up misunderstandings between animals and humans. Cats on heat have frightened many an owner. This is where the vet explains that the cat's wailing is perfectly normal in this case. With dogs, she has often noticed that owners are not aware of how much their furry friends mirror human behaviour. A clarifying conversation can also help. 

Sanja's advice for the next generation of vets would be to gain experience in a veterinary clinic during their studies. She describes the training as long and intensive, but lacking much actual practice. Being able to work with future patients as early as possible has been enriching for Sanja herself. She finds that this is the way to learn the most and have the most fun in the process.

Cat lying and sleeping on scratching postCat lying and sleeping on scratching post

Veterinarian Sanja Polz particularly appreciates the great variety, the high meat content and the quality of DOG'S LOVE and CAT'S LOVE. Certified organic, without flavour enhancers and without preservatives, she recommends this food to her clients with a clear conscience. 

By the way, if Sanja were an animal, she would be an albatross, because then she could fly over the open sea. I wonder what her cat Lala and her chickens Gertrud and Fieps would say about that?

Thank you, Sanja, we are very happy to have you on the team as an expert at DOG'S LOVE and CAT'S LOVE!