Sugar is not healthy for furry friends. Sugar substitutes are life-threatening. Sugar-free sweets or diet products mainly contain xylitol. These provoke massive insulin secretion in dogs, which can result in severe hypoglycaemia, liver damage or liver failure. Since the substances are absorbed directly through the mucous membranes, symptoms usually appear after only 10 minutes. Act quickly!
Allium vegetables
Onions, garlic, chives, wild garlic and all other plants from the Allioideae family are taboo for dogs. Whether raw or cooked, these plants contain the sulphur-containing amino acid allicin. It attacks the red blood cells in the dog's body and destroys them. Even small amounts of it can cause big problems.
Grapes, sultanas
Grapes definitely belong on the list of foods that are toxic to dogs, even though it is still not completely clear exactly which substance triggers the toxic reaction. We also know that some dogs show no reaction to small amounts of grapes, while others (regardless of size, weight and breed) immediately display severe signs of poisoning. Both grapes and sultanas can damage the kidneys and lead to kidney failure. It is best not to try it.
Apart from the fact that avocados have a fat content that is far too high for dogs and can therefore be poorly processed, the substance persin is found in high concentrations in the skin and pit. But even the fruit flesh is not free of persin. This toxin can lead to heart muscle damage.
Alcohol has a "faster" effect on dogs than on humans. Vomiting and shortness of breath are not uncommon, but it can even lead to severe liver damage and cardiovascular failure.
Raw legumes
Legumes such as beans, lentils or chickpeas contain the substance phasin when raw, which is toxic to both humans and dogs. It makes the red blood cells clump together and affects the gastrointestinal tract. In very small quantities, cooked legumes can be tolerated by dogs.
Toxic if handled incorrectly
Stone fruit
The pulp of cherries, peaches, apricots or plums is a good source of vitamins in appropriately-dosed quantities. However, if the orchard becomes an all-you-can-eat and your furry friend stuffs himself with fruit as well as seeds, then this can have more serious consequences than just diarrhoea and flatulence. The seeds of stone fruits contain amygdalin, the same substance that can cause prussic acid poisoning in macadamia nuts and bitter almonds.
Nightshade vegetables
Potatoes are found in many a dog food and, if prepared carefully, they are also very healthy. However, you should be careful never to feed raw nightshade vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes or peppers to your pet. Uncooked, the vegetables contain solanine, which affects the gastrointestinal tract of dogs.
If pork has been undercooked or is even raw, it can transmit the so-called Aujeszky's virus. What is completely harmless for humans is a great danger for dogs. The virus strikes the brain and spinal cord. If your animal suddenly becomes apathetic or unusually aggressive 1–2 days after eating pork, and also shows constant itching, diarrhoea and vomiting, seek veterinary assistance as soon as possible.
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